Archive for December, 2006

Last day at work

Last day at work today, at least for this year, left office at 13:30 and I resume on the 9th of January. [Warning to my PS2 & my XBox : I’am coming!]

The Nomad guys

Everytime I come across a Nomad stand, whether at Galaxy Port-Louis or recently at Happy World House, there’s always two guys/gals,  sitting in front of a laptop, with a very serious face, (pretending ?) to do something. Wonder what they actually do/see since they are alone most of the time… Maybe Yashvin can help me 😉


Seems like slow Internet connection will go on for several days as the Taiwan “link” has been damaged due to the earthquake. Download rate of 3Kb/s on a 256 Kb line… snif, snif… 😦

Reset Livebox

LiveboxSimple (and very useful ;-)) Python script written in my spare time to reboot the My.T(Orange/Wanadoo) Livebox to get a new IP address. May also be useful to you. Works with Python >= 2.3


I’am back

Hello World, I’am back again in the blogging scene, after 2 years of inactivity. Old page was at and I hope this blog will last longer than the old one and there will be more frequent updates. In 2-3 years I’ve switched from Movable Type, then to Blogspot and finally now I’am with WordPress which I find pretty cool and nice.

[Image credits : Scott Beale / Laughing Squid]